Source code for pysatMadrigal.instruments.madrigal_pandas

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Full license can be found in
# Full author list can be found in .zenodo.json file
# DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3824979
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-.
"""Supports generalized access to Madrigal Data.

    Madrigal instrument code as a string
    Madrigal kindat as a string

To use this routine, you need to know both the Madrigal Instrument code
as well as the data tag numbers that Madrigal uses to uniquely identify
data sets. You also need to know that the data is a simple time series (e.g.,
satellite in situ observations).

Multiple kindat values are supported, as long as they are separated by commas.

Although you can use this instrument module for any time-series data set, we
highly recommend using the instrument-specific module if it exists.

Please provide name (user) and email (password) when downloading data with this

All data downloaded under this general support is placed in the same directory,
pysat_data_dir/madrigal/pandas/. For technical reasons, the file search
algorithm for pysat's Madrigal support is set to permissive defaults. Thus, all
instrument files downloaded via this interface will be picked up by the madrigal
pandas pysat Instrument object unless the file_format keyword is used at

Files can be safely downloaded without knowing the file_format keyword,
or equivalently, how Madrigal names the files. See `Examples` for more.


    import datetime as dt
    import pysat
    import pysatMadrigal as py_mad

    # Download DMSP data from Madrigal
    dmsp_abi = pysat.Instrument(inst_module=py_mad.instruments.madrigal_pandas,
                                tag='180', kindat='17110'), 1, 1), dt.datetime(2015, 1, 2),
                      user='Firstname+Lastname', password='')
    dmsp_abi.load(date=dt.datetime(2015, 1, 1))


import datetime as dt

from pysat import logger

from pysatMadrigal.instruments.methods import general

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument attributes

platform = 'madrigal'
name = 'pandas'
tags = dict()
pandas_format = True

# Pandas-style data that requires special support
excluded_tags = ['120', '180', '210', '211', '212', '8105']

# Assign only tags with pysat-compatible file format strings
pandas_codes = general.known_madrigal_inst_codes(pandas_format=True)
for tag in pandas_codes.keys():
        general.madrigal_file_format_str(tag, strict=True)
        if tag not in excluded_tags:
            tags[tag] = pandas_codes[tag]
    except ValueError:

inst_ids = {'': list(tags.keys())}  # There are too many kindat to track here

# Local attributes
# Need a way to get the filename strings for a particular instrument unless
# wildcards start working
supported_tags = {ss: {tag: general.madrigal_file_format_str(tag)
                       for tag in inst_ids[ss]} for ss in inst_ids.keys()}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument test attributes
tag_dates = {'170': dt.datetime(1998, 7, 1), '7800': dt.datetime(2009, 11, 10)}
_test_dates = {'': {tag: tag_dates[tag] if tag in tag_dates.keys()
                    else tag_dates['7800'] for tag in tags.keys()}}
_test_download = {'': {tag: True for tag in tags.keys()}}

# TODO(#99): Remove when compliant with multi-day load tests
_new_tests = {'': {'7800': False}}

# Set the clean warnings for testing
_clean_warn = {'': {tag: {clean_level: [('logger', 'WARN',
                                         "can't support instrument-specific",
                          for clean_level in ['clean', 'dusty', 'dirty']}
                    for tag in inst_ids['']}}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument methods

[docs] def init(self, kindat=''): """Initialize the Instrument object in support of Madrigal access. Parameters ---------- kindat : str Madrigal instrument experiment code(s). (default='') """ # Set the standard pysat attributes self.acknowledgements = general.cedar_rules() self.references = 'Please remember to cite the instrument articles.' # If the kindat (madrigal tag) is not known, advise user self.kindat = kindat if self.kindat == '': logger.warning('`inst_id` did not supply KINDAT, all will be returned.') # Remind the user of the Rules of the Road return
[docs] def clean(self): """Raise warning that cleaning is not possible for general data. Note ---- Supports 'clean', 'dusty', 'dirty' in the sense that it prints a message noting there is no cleaning. 'None' is also supported as it signifies no cleaning. Routine is called by pysat, and not by the end user directly. """ if self.clean_level in ['clean', 'dusty', 'dirty']: logger.warning(''.join(["The generalized Madrigal data Instrument ", "can't support instrument-specific cleaning."])) return
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instrument functions # # Use the default Madrigal and pysat methods # Set the load routine load = general.load # Set the list routine
[docs] def list_files(tag, inst_id, data_path, kindat='', format_str=None, file_cadence=dt.timedelta(days=1), delimiter=None, file_type=None): """Create a Pandas Series of every file for chosen Instrument data. Parameters ---------- tag : str Denotes type of file to load. Accepts strings corresponding to the appropriate Madrigal Instrument `tags`. inst_id : str Specifies the instrument ID to load. Accepts strings corresponding to the appropriate Madrigal Instrument `inst_ids`. data_path : str Path to data directory. kindat : str Madrigal KINDAT code, specifies an experiment for the specified instrument. May be a single value, blank (all), or a comma-delimited list. (defaut='') format_str : str or NoneType User specified file format. If None is specified, the default formats associated with the supplied tags are used. (default=None) supported_tags : dict or NoneType Keys are inst_id, each containing a dict keyed by tag where the values file format template strings. (default=None) file_cadence : dt.timedelta or pds.DateOffset pysat assumes a daily file cadence, but some instrument data file contain longer periods of time. This parameter allows the specification of regular file cadences greater than or equal to a day (e.g., weekly, monthly, or yearly). (default=dt.timedelta(days=1)) delimiter : str or NoneType Delimiter string upon which files will be split (e.g., '.'). If None, filenames will be parsed presuming a fixed width format. (default=None) file_type : str or NoneType File format for Madrigal data. Load routines currently accepts 'hdf5', 'simple', and 'netCDF4', but any of the Madrigal options may be used here. If None, will look for all known file types. (default=None) Returns ------- out : pds.Series A pandas Series containing the verified available files """ if kindat == '': kindat = "*" # Get the remote file type format local_tags = {ss: {kk: supported_tags[ss][kk].replace("{kindat}", kindat) for kk in inst_ids[ss]} for ss in inst_ids.keys()} # Determine the two-digit year break value if local_tags[inst_id][tag].find("{year:04d}") >= 0: two_digit_year_break = None else: two_digit_year_break = 50 # Determine if a delimiter is needed if delimiter is None and local_tags[inst_id][tag].find('*') >= 0: delimiter = '.' out = general.list_files(tag, inst_id, data_path, format_str=format_str, supported_tags=local_tags, file_cadence=file_cadence, two_digit_year_break=two_digit_year_break, delimiter=delimiter, file_type=file_type) return out
[docs] def download(date_array, tag, inst_id, data_path, user=None, password=None, file_type='hdf5', kindat=''): """Download data from Madrigal. Parameters ---------- date_array : array-like List of datetimes to download data for. The sequence of dates need not be contiguous. tag : str Madrigal Instrument code cast as a string. inst_id : str Instrument ID used for particular dataset. data_path : str Path to directory to download data to. user : str or NoneType User name, raises an error if user not supplied. (default=None) password : str or NoneType User email, raises an error if not supplied. (default=None) file_type : str File format for Madrigal data. (default='hdf5') kindat : str Madrigal KINDAT code, specifies an experiment for the specified instrument. May be a single value, blank (all), or a comma-delimited list. (defaut='') Raises ------ ValueError If user or password are not supplied Note ---- The user's names should be provided in field user. Maria Goeppert Mayer should be entered as "Maria Goeppert Mayer" The password field should be the user's email address. These parameters are passed to Madrigal when downloading. The affiliation field is set to pysat to enable tracking of pysat downloads. """, inst_code=tag, kindat=kindat, data_path=data_path, user=user, password=password, file_type=file_type) return
[docs] def list_remote_files(tag, inst_id, kindat='', user=None, password=None, url="", start=dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1), stop=dt.datetime.utcnow()): """List files available from Madrigal. Parameters ---------- tag : str Denotes type of file to load. Accepts strings corresponding to the appropriate Madrigal Instrument `tags`. inst_id : str Specifies the instrument ID to load. Accepts strings corresponding to the appropriate Madrigal Instrument `inst_ids`. kindat : str Madrigal KINDAT code, specifies an experiment for the specified instrument. May be a single value, blank (all), or a comma-delimited list. (defaut='') data_path : str or NoneType Path to directory to download data to. (default=None) user : str or NoneType User string input used for download. Provided by user and passed via pysat. If an account is required for dowloads this routine here must error if user not supplied. (default=None) password : str or NoneType Password for data download. (default=None) url : str URL for Madrigal site (default='') start : dt.datetime Starting time for file list (default=dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1)) stop : dt.datetime Ending time for the file list (default=dt.datetime.utcnow()) Returns ------- remote_files : pds.Series A series of filenames, see `pysat.utils.files.process_parsed_filenames` for more information. Raises ------ ValueError For missing kwarg input KeyError For dictionary input missing requested tag/inst_id Note ---- The password field should be the user's email address. These parameters are passed to Madrigal when downloading. The affiliation field is set to pysat to enable tracking of pysat downloads. """ if kindat == '': kindat = "*" # Get the remote file type format remote_tags = {ss: {kk: supported_tags[ss][kk].format(file_type='hdf5', kindat=kindat) for kk in inst_ids[ss]} for ss in inst_ids.keys()} # Determine the two-digit year break value if remote_tags[inst_id][tag].find("{year:04d}") >= 0: two_digit_year_break = None else: two_digit_year_break = 50 # Set the kindat dictionary kindats = {ss: {kk: kindat if kk == tag else '' for kk in inst_ids[ss]} for ss in inst_ids.keys()} # Set the list_remote_files routine remote_files = general.list_remote_files( tag, inst_id, inst_code=int(tag), kindats=kindats, user=user, password=password, supported_tags=remote_tags, url=url, two_digit_year_break=two_digit_year_break, start=start, stop=stop) return remote_files